New Paper
You can find Thomas Hörberg’s new paper, published in Cerebral Cortex, here: A press release can be found here:
Författaren har inte skrivit något ännu.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud SCI-lab-admin contributed a whooping 69 entries.
You can find Thomas Hörberg’s new paper, published in Cerebral Cortex, here: A press release can be found here:
The ongoing pandemic has impacted our work and our lives in general. Since March 12, when the severe effects of COVID-19 became clear, we have been working remotely. While the situation is still unfolding in Sweden, daily life is already transformed for a majority of its inhabitants. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and […]
Our lab hosts biweekly talks where our members share data and discuss topics and papers relevant to their work. This week Georgios gave a talk related to visual predictive coding.
Both Marta and Thomas have had their latest papers accepted for publication! Marta will be publishing a study titled ”An overprotective nose? Implicit bias is positively related to individual differences in body odor disgust sensitivity” in Frontiers In Psychology. Thomas’ paper is titled ”Olfactory influences on visual categorization: Behavioral and ERP evidence” and will appear in […]
We are happy to announce we have recruited 4 new members to the team: Teodor Jernsäther-Ohlsson, Sandra Challma, Georgios Menelaou , and William Fredborg.
We are looking for three research assistants to help us figure out how the sense of smell interacts with memory, language and emotion. We are seeking dedicated candidates with a strong interest in psychology and neuroscience and who are excited to be part of our research team. More information about the positions and the application […]
SCI-LAB spent the week in Trieste for the annual ECRO conference. Our days has been full of sunshine, good food and interesting chemosensory reserach. We presented our research at two symposiums and with several poster presentations. Thomas Hörberg, our postdoc, won the price for best poster for The semantic organization of the English odor vocabulary! […]