Media interest for our VR compatible olfactometer

Our recently published paper on our inhouse developed handheld olfactometer for use with VR has gained interest from several Swedish media sources.

We have been featured on Swedish TV, newspaper and Radio. Below you can find links to our appearances (Swedish):

SVT, Swedish public television: and

TV4 news:

P3 spel, Swedish public Radio:

Dagens nyheter, newspaper:


Here you can find our article in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies for more information: A graspable olfactory display for virtual reality

New publication! We have published our handheld olfactometer for use in VR.

We have an article out in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies on our inhouse developed VR-compatible olfactometer (smell presenter).

This device allows for easier and robust odor presentation in VR-based environments. It can be used for research, smell training, wine tasting and gaming, as it allows intractions with odor-objects ingame.

Link to the article: A graspable olfactory display for virtual reality

New article on age-related smell changes published

In our new SCI-LAB study, published in Neuropsychologia, Georgios Menelaou found that age-related smell changes are associated with changes in parts of the hippocampus brain region – supporting the notion that smell is a window into the aging brain: