Jonas Olofsson elected member of the Swedish National Committee for Psychological Sciences

Jonas Olofsson, Principal Investigator of SCI-lab, was recently elected member The Swedish National Committee for Psychological Sciences, one of the scientific committees appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and associated with the International Council for Science.
The aim of the Swedish National Committee for Psychological Sciences is to promote research, training, and development within psychology, and to represent Sweden in the International Union for Psychological Science (IUPsyS), an international association for the science of psychology. The Committee acts to promote cooperation with related fields of science. It offers consultative services for universities and other institutions for research and professional training. It also acts as an advisory body of experts to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Every year, the committee presents an award to an outstanding young researcher in psychology.

Update from SCI-LAB regarding COVID-19

We take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously and we have changed our procedures and our operation to secure both our and our guest’s safety. A statement can be found here.

We have joined a global consortium of investigators (GCCR) to study COVID-19’s (and other respiratory illnesses) effect on the senses of smell and taste. You can find more information and if you wish, you can also participate in the research at

We are also involved in a new odor training site for people who have lost their sense of smell due to COVID-19. You can find information on smell-loss and on how training can help to recover it at (in Swedish).

New preprint! Odor effects on face perception

In a new review, Elmeri Syrjänen and colleagues have summarized and integrated 25 years of research on how valenced odors affect perception of faces. The preprint can be accessed here:

New preprint! Olfaction and aging review

Jonas Olofsson and colleagues have written a synthesis of how aging affects olfactory abilities. The preprint provides a state of the art review of current research and future directions, and can be accessed here: