The Forgotten Sense is a research journey through the uncharted territory of human olfaction – smell. After having been dismissed by scientists and philosophers for centuries, the human sense of smell was rarely fully recognized for its sensitivity or importance for human well-being and psychology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of us lost the smell ability we had taken for granted. The experience, which was transient for the fortunate majority, made our sense of smell more appreciated. Few know how remarkably sensitive their noses are, and just how important the sense of smell is for our brain health, our sexuality, and our political views. In The Forgotten Sense, Jonas Olofsson, Professor of Psychology at Stockholm University and Principal Investigator of the SCI-LAB, takes the reader on a tour of our most essential sense, sharing insights gained through being immersed in the research on human sense of smell for over two decades. The book can be ordered via the Mariner/HarperCollins website.