Jonas Olofsson releases a new book – ”Det underskattade sinnet”!

The book is in Swedish,  the title translated is ”The underrated sense – About man’s unknown ability to perceive smells”. It popularizes our understanding of, and the remarkable aspects, of the human sense of smell.

Link to Publisher:

From the release of ”Det underskattade sinnet”

SCI-LAB had its annual Retreat and Lab workshop

Every year SCI-LAB take a retreat to plan and workshop the Lab’s progress. Previous retreats have focused on developing different skills and the Lab’s progress towards its targeets.

This year marked five years since the SCI-LAB was formed, and we focused on evaluating the Lab’s achievements during this time and to formulate new targets for the next five years!

Murathan Karfali explained chatGPT and AI at the Psychology department´s conference!

The Department of Psychology at Stockholm University had a two-day conference where AI was one of the themes.

Murathan introduced the AI seminar with his talk on What is ChatGPT!


Jonas Olofsson keynote speaker at Pangborn conference

Jonas Olofsson was invited as keynote speaker to the annual Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium.

The title of his keynote was Using language to understand the sense of smell.