SCI-LAB contributed at ISOT 2024!

The SCI-Lab recently participated in the International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) in Reykjavik, June 22-26. Jonas Olofsson and William Fredborg delivered oral presentations in the symposium ”Working Memory in the Chemical Senses”. Meanwhile, Nira Cedres, Malina Szychowska, and Samet Albayrak presented their posters, receiving much positive feedback. We were proud to share our findings on human cognition and olfaction with so many wonderful colleagues, and are grateful for the opportunity to discuss both our research and theirs with so many brilliant minds. The lab members also enjoyed Iceland’s rugged beauty, hot springs and culinary offerings (but not the fermented shark).

SCI-lab goes to the ISOT conference in Reykavik

The SCI-Lab is attending the International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) in Reykavik, Iceland, on June 22-26. Five members are representing the lab. Jonas Olofsson and William Fredborg will have oral presentations in the “Working memory in the chemical senses” session, and Nira Cedres, Malina Szychowska and Samet Albayrak will have poster presentations. We are looking forward to see our colleagues in Reykjavik and share our latest research!

Murathan’s presents at ECRO symposium

Murathan Kurfali held a presentation titled Investigating the relation between Semantic Space and Olfactory Perceptions using Language Models. He was choosen to be part of the Young Investigators symposium.

”In this presentation, Murathan explored how various language models, including ChatGPT, capture olfactory-semantic relationships. Findings reveal that large language models like ChatGPT tend to resemble human imagination of odors rather than human odor perception. This research not only sheds light on the capabilities of Natural Language Processing in understanding olfaction but also highlights the potential use of AI models as valuable resources for researchers and practitioners in the field of olfaction.”

– Summary of abstract by ChatGPT-3.5

The abstract for the talk can be found here:

Murathan Karfali explained chatGPT and AI at the Psychology department´s conference!

The Department of Psychology at Stockholm University had a two-day conference where AI was one of the themes.

Murathan introduced the AI seminar with his talk on What is ChatGPT!


SCI-lab hosts the Olfactus conference at Stockholm University

The Olfactus 2023 conference was hosted by the SCI-lab and our colleagues at the Gösta Ekman Laboratory. In this intensive 1-day conference, 43 participants attended. There were 17 talks, mostly by junior researchers and students, on a wide variety of chemical senses research topics. Some pictures from the event are available on the Gösta Ekman Laboratory facebook page:

Jonas will be a keynote speaker at the Pangborn Sensory Symposium this year!

Jonas Olofsson has been invited as a keynote speaker at the Pangborn Sensory Symposium in Nantes, France (August 20-24).

Pangborn is an academic conference focusing on sensory science and consumer science (


Report from ECRO 2021

The SCI-lab attended the European Chemoreception Research Organization 2021 meeting in Cascais, Portugal. The scientific content included several high-quality symposia, as well as a keynote lecture by Nobel prize laureate Linda Buck. Our team included 12 members, and we presented ongoing work in 9 posters and one oral presentation. Before the ECRO meeting started, we carried out our annual team workshop. This workshop was organized by members of the team and included a variety of professional development activities and a revision of our strategy document. As the pandemic has affected our research in the last two years, the ECRO 2021 signifies to us a gradual return to normal. Back in Stockholm, our efforts are focused on transferring the positive energy from our ECRO 2021 experience into finalizing our work that was presented there. We appreciate the work of the organizers of ECRO 2021, the SCI-lab team members who organized the workshop, and the generous funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation which made our trip possible!

Jonas Olofsson presents at ECRO 2021


SCI-LAB workshop 2021

Lab presence at ECRO 2021

SCI-LAB at ECRO 2019

SCI-LAB spent the week in Trieste for the annual ECRO conference. Our days has been full of sunshine, good food and interesting chemosensory reserach.

We presented our research at two symposiums and with several poster presentations.

Thomas Hörberg, our postdoc, won the price for best poster for The semantic organization of the English odor vocabulary!